Want those New Year’s resolutions to come to life? Organizing is a key to fulfillment.

Like anything else, you can start off slow to start and advance. A good place to get going is to create a calendar and get into the habit of making sure you have a system to add things to it. Never leave anything out, even those times you’re free to do whatever you want.

When you’re not thinking about what’s going to happen next, and we use technology to alert us, this frees the mind of clutter and allows you to advance in your planned activity. When you schedule the simplest things, those tasks are also likely to be completed in a timely manner.

Of course, you’ll also want to work on creating realistic goals within a specific timeframe to make sure you’re reaching your overall objective. Making SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals is a very good method to make sure you reach your targets in a timely manner.

What are the benefits of getting organized?
  • New Year’s resolutions will start to come to life.
  • Individuals’ mental health may be positively affected by completing tasks.
  • Higher level of efficiency and productivity.
How do I get started with organizing?

So unpacking this SMART goal method for your calendar example. We can be “specific” on the goal using our calendar to make more effective use of our time. This goal is measurable because we can measure how much we use our calendar. We can also measure the results of how much we get done within 40 hours, for example.

For the achievable part, we want to make sure we come up with a goal we can achieve. We can all learn to use our calendar and use it effectively. On relevancy, our larger picture goal is to work more effectively. Using a calendar to clear our heads of clutter and make sure we’re completing tasks is highly relevant. Last, we should make sure we put a time component on our goal–when we’ll reach it by. Choosing a reasonable time constraint to meet the goal will also make it more achievable. If you try to change too quickly, it might not be effective.

Now, mark your calendars!